
Hi im Daniel, i have light brown eyes im black and i have a small afro. i have a dimple in my left cheek and im a nice guy. i stand up for my friends and currently im looking for a gf. none of the girls at my school are nice cause they are 2 faced and have black teeth so in short i need a gf

by Daniel  |  11 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Hi im Daniel, i have light brown eyes im black and i have a small afro. i have a dimple in my left cheek and im a nice guy. i stand up for my friends and currently im looking for a gf. none of the girls at my school are nice cause they are 2 faced and have black teeth so in short i need a gf

 Tags: Afro, Black, Brown, cause, cheek, currently, daniel, dimple, Eyes, faced, friends, gf, girls, guy, HI, im, left, light, looking, NIce, none, school, short, Stand, teeth

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