
History of Haw Par Villa Singapore

by Guest2493  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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We only went to Haw Paw Villa as my husband had business to attend to nearby. The villa itself is rather dated but has an interesting story and history. I want to ask about History of Haw Par Villa Singapore

 Tags: haw, history, Par, singapore, Villa



  1. Guest3351
    The park, originally called "Tiger Balm Gardens", was built in 1937 by brothers Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par, the developers of Tiger Balm, as a venue for teaching traditional Chinese values. The site was purchased by Aw in 1935. In 1988, the Singapore Tourism Board took over the running of the Tiger Balm Gardens and re-named it as Haw Par Villa Dragon World. The statues were restored while retaining the original flavour. Plays, acrobatic displays and puppet shows were also organised. However, visitors were charged entrance fees. The high fees discouraged the public and the management incurred a loss of S$31.5 million after 10 years of management. In March 2001, the Singapore Tourism Board re-named it Tiger Balm Gardens and entrance fees dropped.

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