
How Can Un-accompanied Baggage (UAB) booked as PIA Cargo?

by Guest3936  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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I want to book an Un-accompanied baggage through PIA. Can someone tell me that how can I do that?

 Tags: Baggage, Booked, cargo, pia, UAB, Unaccompanied



  1. Guest313
    If you are traveling through PIA and have excess baggage (more than maximum allowed as accompanied baggage), you can get it booked on PIA Cargo Service which is offered at more economical rates than the excess baggage charges at Airport Check-in Counters. The luggage will be booked as Cargo at PIA Cargo Booking Offices before departure. The presence of the shipper will be required at the booking offices for customs clearance. It is recommended that the UAB should be booked at least one day prior to the departure of the passenger.

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