
How Christmas started?

by Guest5551  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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"Christmas is one of worlds biggest festival, but can anyone tell me how did Christmas start?"

 Tags: Christmas, started



  1. Guest3672

     The history of Christmas day is uncertain. Many people think that Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus on December 25. Further research reveals that there is no date or year for the birth of Jesus. There are even theories that Jesus was born in August, on March 28 or on September 11. While the religious aspects of the Christmas holidays have a long and deep tradition, there are some other reasons why this celebration takes place on December 25.There are many theories, other than the birth of Jesus, for how Christmas started. Isaac Newton believed that Christmas was timed to coincide with the Winter Solstice. In ancient times, this date was marked as December 25. Louis Duchesne believed that December 25 is celebrated because it falls nine months after the Annunciation, which is March 25.

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