
How can I compile Php?

by Guest419  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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I need to compile php, what are the steps required in compiling the php. Are there some definite steps and procedures, where can I learn those steps. Ca you tell me about these steps?

 Tags: compile, PHP



  1. Guest3936

    There are some softwares and hardware that you need in order to compiles the php. First you will need a Linux machines with RAM for your Operating System. The PHP source distribution is available from the link of the site. Apache 2 source distribution is also available from the link of ANSI C compilers and other utilities like Make, Bison and flex need to be installed. Utilities like gunzip and tar are required to extract source code from tar.gz.

    Before starting to compile Apache and PHP you must install all the previous version of Apache and PHP related RPMs that need to be installed on your system. If you are using GUI utilities like gnorpm and kpackage.

    Then there is the compilation process that starts and you have to follow these steps for compilation. You have to login as a root to follow these steps. There is an option to extend the functionality using separate modules.

    After all the compilation is done there comes the part of configuring script. Most of the softwares that come along with its source code contain a configure script and it performs many checks and then prepares software for compilation. It also check what type of compiler is available . After the compilation is done then there comes the part of Testing the PHP installation. After the PHP is tested then comes the phase of Enabling the PHP extensions.

    Later on the conclusion can be drawn from it and also resources can be used to for mailing the information.


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