
How can I include others in content on Twitter?

by Guest3575  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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I am a journalist so I really want new ideas and new updates regarding the latest happenings all around the world. I want to know that how can I include others in content on Twitter?

 Tags: content, include, twitter



  1. Guest5601
    Once you're ready to begin authoring your own messages, consider mentioning other users by their Twitter username (preceded by the @ sign) in your Tweets. This can help you think of what to write, will draw more eyes to your message, and can even start a new conversation. Try posting a message mentioning a celebrity or person you admire – they often respond to fans. You’ll see their response on your Mentions tab. Tip: Can’t think of anything to write? Don’t worry! Like I said, the real magic lies in locating and reading content on Twitter.

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