
How can I prepare my Application for Visa to Australia and all documentation myself?

by Guest6538  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I would like to submit Australian visa application. Can someone tell me that how can I prepare my Application for Visa to Australia and all documentation myself?  

 Tags: Application, Australia, Documentation, prepare, Visa



  1. Guest8408
    You can. We know of individuals, who applied for Australian Temporary or Permanent Visa on their own and succeeded. However, remember that application and applicant's process do vary from one applicant to another. Each person's circumstances are different even if only in one respect. This fact on its own can mean in your case a completely different application process. If you know or you meet someone who has successfully been through the Australian Immigration process themselves, please ask yourself the following questions:

        * When did he/she apply for his/her Australian Visa?
        * What were his/her circumstances at that time?
        * What Visa did he/she apply for and what Visa was granted?
        * What conditions were attached to the Visa?
        * What legislation was in place at that time?
        * How much time and money he/she did spend in the process?

    Australian Visa applicants sometimes expect that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Case Officers will give them legal advice on their Visa. That is common misunderstanding. Because these Officers are not lawyers and they are not Registered Migration Agents they do not provide legal advice or assistance.
    For the above questions and for increasingly complex immigration legislation, prospective applicants who are serious about starting their new life in Australia choose to employ the services of an Australian Registered Migration Agent.

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