
How can I put myself in a coma?

by Guest8566  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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How can I put myself in a coma?

 Tags: coma



  1. Guest3956
    why do you want to go into coma?

  2. Guest3865
    Well, I just split up with my GF, I really loved her soo much, I can't sleep everytime I try to I get this weird kicking pain which really hurts. I need it to end, I want it to end.

    I don't want to fight life no more, I've tried so hard to get rid of my worries, but I can't. I can't deal with it no more.

    I want to end it all, I don't want to die. I am not bothered if I get some brain damage, least that will take away the memories. I can only get house hold items, so anything like that will be good. I don't want to go though a lot of pain as that would be pointless. Being in a coma or unconcsios would be fine. I know how to make myself faint so that's alright.
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