
How can i get justin bieber to do a concert at my school

by Guest6663  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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How can i get justin bieber to do a concert at my school

 Tags: bieber, Concert, Justin, school



  1. Guest6512
    just ring him or add him on msn ere is msn

  2. Guest6389

      By joining Koini club you can see justin bieber concert live live,for FREE  aswell as to get FREE back stage passes so join today for an amazing chance to meet justin PERSONALLY back stage and get his autograph and remember its free, and I actually know some one who has been to see him and said it was a once in a life time opportunity and so you should not miss out on it. Join Koini club for free using the link below:

    for your opportunity to meet JB

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