
How can u get naked in imvu if u are below 18?

by Guest5134  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I know we can buy a skin or what for naked body. But what is the name of that product?

 Tags: 18, below, imvu, naked



  1. Guest5850
    i think it has been taken away because i used to have it but i dont anymore

  2. Guest9123
    You can't buy any naked body products until you're 18+ and have purchased the AP (Adult Pass).

    If your profile or avatar are seen naked from another person's product and you are not of elligible age and have the AP, then it is taken away. Afterwards, that product is then removed from the standard catalog and into the adult catalog.

    Oh and, if you become a product designer, you may make your own clothes and change them to see through clothing items, but even so, if you're under age and are caught doing this without an AP, then you may suffer consequences. Be warned.
  3. Guest7036
    v_V that doesnt work. its blocked.
  4. Guest6861
    you can if you 18(adault)and a ap.........I hope this helped.
  5. Guest2121
    you might be able to have someone gift it too you tho?
  6. Guest1855
    There is acually a code but I dont remember it!
  7. Guest1329

    here's the code for females only(sorry for males): nudityonimvuphp189453accesspasshackthroughimvuhttpnudditypassonlyviolenceboob/vaginashowboobnipplemeat/php.

    Thats the code copy and paste it cauze it worked for me! 3/30/11

  8. Guest3059

    But how where do u put that code to?

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