
How can we stay away from Migraine?

by Guest4680  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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What are the tests available to check out for Migraine, what are the preventions which are required in order to stay away from Migraine, can it cause any complications in further stages?

 Tags: Migraine, stay



  1. Guest3704

    Migraine headaches normally have no side effect on the overall health of a person. But there long term chronic that problem might be a sign of hindrance in daily life.

    If you understand your headache better then you can avoid the foods and other situations that can cause you the migraine. You can keep a diary to maintain a record to identify the source of triggers of your symptoms. Then later on you can modify your environment or the habits to avoid headaches in future. Some other ways by which you can avoid headache are:

    Avoid Smoking

    Avoid Alcohol

    Avoid artificial sweeteners and other known food related triggers

    Try to get a lot of sleep.

    Exercise regularly

    Learn to relax and reduce stress, some of the patients have found that the biofeedback and self hypnosis helps in reducing the large number of migraine attacks.

    Your doctor can diagnose this type of headache by asking the questions about your symptoms and the history of migraines in your family, by monitoring how you can respond to the treatment. There is a complete physical exam that will be done in order to make sure that the headaches are not due to muscle tension, sinus problems, or a serious brain disorder. You might have to go for the tests of MRI and CT scan as prescribed by the doctor.

    Q no 12)What is the treatment of Migraine?

    Des) I am having migraine for quite sometime now, can you tell me about some good treatment for this disease, what can I do to reduce the attacks and pain of migraine?

    Ans)There is no guaranteed and proper care for migraine headaches. The goal here is to prevent the symptoms and you can do this by avoiding the changes in your triggers. The best way to keep track of the triggers is to keep a headache diary and write down about

    When your headache starts, how severe the nature of this headache is, What you have eaten, How much sleep you had, What are some of the other symptoms and possible factors. When you feel the symptoms of migraine, try to treat then right away. The headache might become less severe, When migraine symptoms begin.

    Drink water in order to avoid dehydration.

    Rest in a quiet, darkened room.

    Place your cool cloth on your bed.

    There are different medications which are available for people with migraine, Medicines are used for

    Reducing the number of attacks

    Stopping the migraine once there are some early attack symptoms, Check out for other symptoms and treat the pain.

    There are some medicines available that are used to reduce the attack. Doctors might need to prescribe you medicine in order to reduce the  attacks. Some of these predication are:

    Antidepressants such as Amitriptyline

    Blood pressure medicines such as Beta Blocket

    There is a seizure medicine available like valporic acid and topirmate


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