
How did Al Gore lose the 2000 presidential elections if he got the majority of the popular vote?

by Jasdev Grewal  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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How did Al Gore lose the 2000 presidential elections if he got the majority of the popular vote?

 Tags: 2000, Al, elections, Gore, Lose, majority, popular, Presidential, VOTE



  1. Victor Strong

     Brad nailed the explanation - electoral votes are the most important ones in the U.S. as the 2000 election showed why this could be a flawed system. The vote of the people in a democratic country chose one man while a shady recount process and the opinions of a few elected parties named another the President.

    The U.S. Supreme Court stopped a recount of votes and thus halted a process that was swinging in Gore's favour. It is a fascinating politican decision that has forever altered the history of the world.,_2000

  2. Brad Isaac

    In the U.S. the popular vote counts for 1 of the 2 major aspects of the federal election. Each state has an allocated amount of seats based on the state’s population. So, when a federal party wins the popular vote of the state they win the seats in that state. So even though Al Gore got 48.4% of the people’s vote, which came out to 50,999,897 votes, to George Bush’s 47.9% of the vote, 50,460,002, Bush won 271 electoral vote to Gore’s 266 electoral vote. It came down to Florida, which carried 25 electoral votes, and it was determined Bush won by a few hundred votes and thus won the election as he received the 25 electoral votes.

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Jasdev Grewal


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