
How do I apply for sole custody for my kids in Canada

by Guest6838  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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How do I apply for sole custody for my kids in Canada. Custody is a touchy subject and one that requires careful thought. Courts in canada want you to follow a process:

In order to get a child custody or access order, you will need to start a court application.

If you and the other parent can agree on who will have custody of the child, you can make a separation agreement. A court application will usually not be necessary.

Both parties should get independent legal advice before the agreement is finalized to make sure they understand their rights and responsibilities.

 Tags: apply, Canada, custody, kids, SOLE



  1. Guest5100
    i have just left a realtionship with mental abuse and took my kids with me.I havetaken care of my kids for 5 years and i affraid that he will get them.he was never home and when he was home all he did was sleep.He never spent time with themThen his sisters would take the kids out with out asking me,and i thought i was the sole care provider. we had to wait 2 days before my kids could get thier medications.He never had money.And to top it all off his one sister threaten my bouys with wooden spoons,and also threaten to kill me awhile agao.what do i do please help me..

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