
How do I connect Xbox 360 to pc?

by Guest4204  |  13 years ago

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I tried to connect my Xbox to PC but I can't get success, so please tell me how to connect it.

 Tags: 360, connect, pc, Xbox



  1. Guest5439

    If you have an Xbox 360 console, you can effortlessly share all the images, videos and melodies retained on your computer with your console. This is pleasant if you have your Xbox attached to your gigantic flat-panel television and desire to display your family and associates dwelling videos or pictures.


    Depending on what functioning scheme you are running and if or not you have a Windows Media Center PC, there are a couple of distinct modes to attach your Xbox to your PC.

    If you have Windows XP without Media Center, then you will require using Windows Media Player in alignment to stream content to your Xbox 360.

    It’s a attractive straightforward method and doesn’t take very long to setup. First, pursue these steps on Windows Media Player:

    1. Click on Tools – Options from the peak menu.

    2. Then bang on the Library tab and bang on the Configure Sharing button. Depending on which type of WMP you are utilizing, you might rather than have a button called Media Sharing on the Library tab.

    3. Now bang the Share my media check carton and choose your Xbox 360 console from the register below.

    4. Finally, one time you choose the Xbox in the register, proceed ahead and bang on the Allow button. A green checkmark should emerge besides the console icon.

    5. Click on the Customize button to configure what kind of newspapers you desire to share with your Xbox console. Now to get access to your newspapers on your Xbox, easily proceed to the Media locality of the Xbox Dashboard and select Music, Pictures, or Videos.

    6. Xbox will mechanically notice the computers on your mesh that are running WMP mesh distributing, so you can just choose the computer by name.

    It’s as straightforward as that! You can now browse your PC newspapers on your Xbox.


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