
How do foreign students in Australia use PayCheck?

by Guest7444  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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How do foreign students in Australia use PayCheck?

 Tags: Australia, foreign, paycheck, students



  1. Guest771
    Paycheck works by matching the common occupations or job description you provide with the relevant modern award classification(s).
    Foreign students in Australia will need to select:
    The modern award classification (if more than one applies for the job)
    The pre-modern award classification that applied for the job prior to 1 January 2010
    The State or Territory where they work
    Whether foreign student in Australia is an adult, junior or apprentice employee
    If the business employed staff before 27 March 2006.
    Paycheck will calculate minimum rates of pay based on his selections. If he has not selected the right information, or there are changes in your circumstances, it may affect the accuracy of the rates that Paycheck provides.
    Paycheck provides information on minimum base rates of pay only. Other monetary entitlements may be payable under foreign student’s modern award, such as penalty rates or allowances.

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