
How do humans compare in terms of physical strenght as compared to animals of similar size?

by Guest95856  |  10 years, 8 month(s) ago

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How do humans compare in terms of physical strenght as compared to animals of similar size?

 Tags: animals, compare, compared, humans, Physical, similar, size, strenght, terms



  1. Victor Strong
    Compared to other creatures of our size, humans tend to be on the far lower end of the strenght scale. This is due to several factors, mainly that over the course of time our 800 thread count sheets and thermal underwear along with convenience from everything to food and transport has made us some soft creatures relative to our wild relatives. Monkeys and other apes of similar size are far stronger in terms of strength and physicality than we are. Although we can fend ourselves well against other creatures of similar size - such as 6 foot snakes or fish there are many that can cause us significant harm and do so with relative ease.

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