
How does Google AdSense work?

by Guest7649  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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I would like to add Google AdSense to my website to gain revenue. I was looking for the step by step process of making it work. Please provide me with brief details. Thanks

 Tags: AdSense, Google



  1. Guest7182
    In order to get Google AdSense working all you need to do is follow these steps:
    1. Choose the type and placement of ad units to be displayed
    - Specify where you want ads to appear
    - Choose what types of ads can compete for those slots

    2. Highest-paying ads display
    - Advertisers bid on your inventory in a real-time auction
    - Always show the highest-paying ad

    3. Get paid
    - Google bills advertisers and ad networks
    - Get paid through our reliable payment options

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