
Working of Bluetooth car audio system

by Guest11420  |  12 years, 5 month(s) ago

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One of my friends has recently installed a Bluetooth car audio system in his newly bought car. As I do not know much about latest technology stuff so for this reason I am quite curious to know about this remarkable device. Since I am looking to have it installed in my car as well so I would greatly appreciate if anyone could briefly tell me about working of Bluetooth car audio system

 Tags: audio, Bluetooth, car, System



  1. Harrydgr8

    The working of a Bluetooth car audio system is very much similar to what we happen to see in a Bluetooth used for cell phones. Actually when there is an interaction between devices, it forms a small network called personal area network (PAN) or piconet. These devices or machines are controlled by one master device. The presence of one device is detected by the other thus creating coordination through passing data as in case of radio signals. The Bluetooth devices are able to control any interference of waves that may occur thus allowing coordination with the desired device.

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