
How does the Iraq war affect the US economy?

by Guest525  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

1 LIKES UnLike

2008 Economic Crisis

 Tags: affect, economy?, Iraq, War



  1. Guest374
    The Iraq war pushed up the price of oil so production of bio-fuels was expanded. Biofuel is made from crops that are normally eaten by humans. If any of these crops are diverted to make fuel then less is left for food. As the supply of food has lessened the demand has gone up (normal economic pattern), followed quickly by prices.
    So the price of food has gone up, along with the cost of filling our fuel tanks and paying our utility bills. That has left us all with less expendable income to spend on luxury items, reducing demand for consumer products, and therefore manufacture, leading to lay-offs, meaning less people can afford to pay off the irresponsibly loaned money the banks had lured them into. More public money is now distributed as welfare, which, alongside the public cost of the war itself, has put unsustainable pressure on the whole economy, which, built like a house of cards, held up mainly by luck and faith, has collapsed.

  2. Guest8062
    Eat d**k
  3. Guest2150

    that's a deomocratt answer

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