
How does the Site Audit work?

by Guest3513  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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I want to know the step by step working of Alexa Site Audit. Please guide me or help me where can I find it.

 Tags: Audit, site



  1. Guest8818
    You can get started with Alexa Site Audit here You’ll find step by step guide on what Site audit is and how it works. You’ll need to log into your Alexa account (or via Facebook Connect). Once you’ve done that, you can purchase the Site Audit. The site audit is basically an analysis done by Alexa crawler which visits your website and go over it in depth, analyzing its structure, meta data, and links. This is a comprehensive crawl, and it is also “polite”– Alexa don’t want to hammer a site with barrage of requests.  Depending on the size of your site, this can take up to 12 hours. Once the Site Audit is complete, Alexa compiles a report for you, complete with an Overall Grade, individual grades on the most important aspects of your site, and a list of critical recommendations for improving your site.

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