
How educated should a wife be?

by Guest6929  |  13 years ago

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My friend Joseph is looking for a wife and wants your advice. What do you think? Some friends tell him it is better to choose a wife who is less educated than he is because they are less likely to have demanding careers and will provide a better home for his children. But Joseph thinks it is better for his future wife to be well educated so she is employable and can contribute money for the upkeep of the family. I want your views about this. Kindly help my friend with choosing a perfect wife for him.

 Tags: educated, Wife



  1. Guest6183

    Atleast masters

  2. Guest2491

    At least Graduate if you are Post Graduate so!

  3. Guest2768

     Wife should be well educated but once you start having a family her consideration should only be your home. Its the responsibilty of a mother to groom the children and if at that part of life she rely on her career and ignore her childrens then their character will be devestated and they will be less confident. Its upto the Husband that how he manages to ellaborate his wife that after having kids she is not allowed to work. once the children become teenage then she can pursue her career.

  4. Guest5513

    Its not how educated a person in general should be, what matters is how much common sense they have, which the person asking the question apparently lacks!

  5. Guest7174

    I think wife should be educated enough, if someone is not allowing her to do job no problem. But incase if circumstances become tight and survival become difficult then wife can help according by doing job.

  6. Guest3470

    Does not make much of difference,

    Like i used to say it in my university life that "education ruined my life".

    So the basic can never be changed, your inner self stays the same because God made it that way.

  7. Guest4321
    Joseph actually thinks right! A well educated wife will bring up a well educated family and will assist him economically as well!

    Good luck Joseph!
  8. Guest8897

     At least master if you are high educated.

  9. Guest8771

    At least Post Graduate 

  10. Guest7099

    A wife maybe educated by not headstrong...I would respect a wife who is as educated or maybe more than me but to take matters in her own hands and strut around taking control and simply craving for power is what i wouldn't like. A woman who is clever is she who remains in her normal standard never mogering or wanting more and more power. That is how we like, respect, love and adore them. To be who they are as equal to us.

  11. Guest9819

     A wife should atleast be a graduate. The only priority after marriage should be family, not the career because it is the duty of a wife to look after the family and her kids in the absence of her husband. 

    The more educated a wife is, the better she'll be able to raise the kids.

  12. Guest9173

    yeah right ZZ

  13. Guest9549

    Education gices you nothing, but through education you learn many things

    ohh i made a quote :D

  14. Guest2316

    Ofcourse in addition to that of Guest22675042 i would also say that a wife has to be eductaed in order to better understand you and raise wonderful kids

  15. Guest4685

    Education or no education, she's gonna treat you the same. she will make the same demands, your friends will be her biggest foes and the list goes don't want me to go in the details. just know this she will make not let any stones unturned to make a mockery of your life. by the way if she's educated you will have an excuse, that you gave in to a better equipped person

  16. Guest4515

     Education or no education, she's gonna treat you the same. she will make the same demands, your friends will be her biggest foes and the list goes don't want me to go in the details. just know this she will make not let any stones unturned to make a mockery of your life. by the way if she's educated you will have an excuse, that you gave in to a better equipped person

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