
How long can wart virus survive on inanimate objects?

by Guest5361  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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How long can wart virus survive on inanimate objects?

 Tags: inanimate, Objects, survive, virus, wart



  1. paafamily
    Warts are caused by a virus.  The virus can remain on inanimate objects from hours to days depending on the enviornment.  The most common place to acquire warts is at a gym or swimming pool. Another type of wart called a genital wart is transmitted sexually by skin contact.
    Warts are not transferred by blood. If a person picks their warts they can be transferred to other parts of the body.  Women who have warts on there legs transfer the warts to other parts of the legs by shaving. Young children that bite their warts can transfer them to the tongue or lips.

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