
How many wives did King Henry the 8th have?

by Jasdev Grewal  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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How many wives did King Henry the 8th have?

 Tags: 8th, henry, King, Wives



  1. Raul

    King Henry VIII had six wives. They are Catherine of Aragon, from June 11, 1509 to May 23, 1533; Anne Boleyn, from May 28, 1533 to May 17, 1536; Jane Seymour, from May 30, 1536 to October 24, 1537; Anne of Cleves, from January 6, 1540 to July 9, 1540; Catherine Howard, from July 28, 1540 to November 23, 1541; and Catherine Parr, from July 12 1543 to January 28 1547. Anne Boleyn gave birth to Queen Elizabeth I.

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Jasdev Grewal


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