
How much is money gram cost for one transfer?

by Guest405  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I am new to moneygram and don’t know the details about their charges on one transfer. I want to send some money to my family in Pakistan from Dubai. Can someone tell me that how much does it cost  me?

 Tags: cost, Gram, money, transfer



  1. Guest4070
    Moneygram charges depend on the amount of money you are transferring and the destination you are sending it to.You can also calculate the amount of money from moneygram calculator or converter facility given on website and in the office.Moneygram global money transfer service allows consumers to send and receive money worldwide, primarily through a global network of third-party agents that use moneygram money transfer systems. In addition to person-to-person (also known as cash-to-cash), customers have alternatives in money transfer delivery channels such as direct-to-account, ATMs and kiosks for deposit and cash receive, cash-to-a mobile phone and cash-to-card. Moneygram bill payment services allow consumers to make urgent payments or pay routine bills through their network to certain creditors (“billers”). They maintain relationships with billers in key industries which include the credit card, mortgage, auto finance, telecommunications, corrections, satellite, prepaid card and collections industries. Bill payment services also enable consumers to load and reload prepaid debit cards.

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