
How to Fix 1600 Error on a 3GS.

by Guest11468  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Hello, Iam Michael Craddick from United Kingdom. I recently purchased an iPhone from Manchester.  Yesterday, suddenly, an error popped up on my screen named as error 1600. I got confused and shut it down instantly. I have a very little knowledge about iPhone as I am not a computer programmer or tech savvy. Kindly suggest me any method, how I can fix that error. I will be very thankful to you. Answer me as quickly as possible.

 Tags: 1600, 3Gs, Error, fix



  1. Leonardo

     The 1600 error on an iPhone is caused when you are jailbreaking your iPhone. People jailbreak their iPhones so they can enjoy and load third-party apps. This error occurs because there are some problems with the jailbreaking software. The only possible solution to get rid of the 1600 error is to restore the iPhone back to its original state. You can do this via the iTunes software on your computer system. This error occurs due to the jail breaking software which the users are trying to load on the phone. Its solution is very simple: 


    1) Connect your Phone to the PC via USB cable that came with your iPhone.

    2) Open iTunes, and then click on the iPhone icon on the left side of the screen under "Devices."

    3) Go to “Summary" tab and then "Restore" from the options.

    4) Choose “Backup" option from the prompt that appears.

    5) By Clicking on the "Restore" button, it will simply restore your iPhone and removes error immediately.

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