
How to Use Index Cards to Write a Speech?

by Guest5487  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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A friend told me that using of index cards in a speech is very useful. I want to learn that. Can someone tell me that how to use index cards in writing a speech?

 Tags: cards, index, speech, write



  1. Guest907
    Because they are subtle, using index cards are a great alternative to memorizing your speech. Format your speech to best utilize these cards with the informative tips provided by an accomplished writer: "Hi. My name is Eric Shapiro. I'm a partner in a custom ghostwriting and editing company in Los Angeles called Ghostwriters Central. We attend to the writing and editing needs of our clients. Today we're going to talk about speech writing, particularly how to use index cards in the course of writing a speech. Now, oftentimes our speech writing clients are nervous because they think they're expected to memorize their speech. The reality of the matter is memorization is not essential. Index cards are a very useful tool for presenting a speech. They're subtle. One of the most important things when you're using an index card is to be aware of what your hands are going to be doing while you're speaking. If your hands are prone to shaking, you might want to use a smaller index card so that the shaking is not as visible. And it's more discreet. In general when you're using these index cards, you want to make sure that each card stands on its own in a compartmentalized manner so the substance upon each card can be discussed in and of itself. Freestanding. And then when you move to the next card, you're cleanly transitioned on to a different topic. If between cards you're still within the same topic, you'll be shuffling around, it'll be obvious that you're using this tool, you don't want to call any kind of attention to it. So the other good thing about keeping the subjects compartmentalized on your index cards, is if you skip a card or if you decide to change the order of cards, again since every item stands on its own, you have flexibility to re-coordinate the presentation while you're making the speech. So index cards are a very useful tool. Definitely recommended. There's no pressure for memorization. And again my name is Eric Shapiro. I'm a partner in a company called Ghostwriters Central, a writing and editing firm in Los Angeles. And today, we've discussed how to use index cards in the writing of a speech."

  2. Guest6697

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