
How to Write a 3 Minute Informative Speech?

by Guest5303  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I have a task of writing a 3 minute informative speech. Can someone tell me the useful tips for that?

 Tags: informative, minute, speech, write



  1. Guest6540
    You can create an effective three-minute speech with proper preparation. There are several topics that you can discuss. For example, your speech might highlight the advantages and disadvantages of a product, service or business decision. Inform and persuade your audience with a speech that compares an existing thing and a new invention. Brainstorm three to five main points for the speech's contents. For instance, if you are discussing healthy snacks for kids, highlight both good and bad choices. You could even add an example of how to make a quick, nutritious snack. Prepare a strong, succinct introduction and a conclusion. You generally must repeat information a few times before it is retained. Use buzzwords in the introduction, body and conclusion that your audience easily can remember. Read the speech aloud without being concerned about the duration. Focus on becoming familiar with the speech so that the words flow off your tongue. Practice pronouncing difficult words or terms of art (words that hold special meaning within a profession). Time yourself reading the speech using a cell phone or stopwatch. Avoid speaking too quickly and pause at the end of each sentence. If you speak at a natural pace but finish in less than two minutes, add more substance. For example, you might explain long-term health risks associated with students who eat junk food daily. Provide visual material to correspond with your speech, such as a handout, power point slides or even your business card so that people can follow up with you. However, do not let the material overshadow your speech or the audience will be more interested in the material than listening.

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