
How to Write a Campaign Speech?

by Guest7388  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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I have an assignment given by English literature teacher to write a campaign speech. Can someone tell me the tips to write that?

 Tags: Campaign, speech, write



  1. Guest9038
    When writing a campaign speech, make sure to get the audience's attention, connect to an important issue and provide support for points being made. Write a campaign speech that is easy for the speaker to read crisply with tips from a writing instructor. "Hi, I'm Laura from, and I'm going to talk about how to write a campaign speech. A campaign speech has to really get someone's attention. Believe it or not, people don't really want to listen to a long speech most of the time. And so you really have to do your best to capture the listener's interest in the beginning of the speech by connecting to an issue that's going to be of interest to them and of importance to them. Now, the development of your speech is going to be a lot like developing an essay. You need to come up with one or two points, and then continue to support that point in a way that will help it flow, help people understand it. And remember that listening to ideas is different that reading them on a page. They need to be really delivered in a crisp...written so that the speech giver can deliver them in a very crisp, direct way. You also want to consider your audience before you add a lot of jokes, add a lot of small talk to the speech. Jokes can be good, but they can also be very bad if they're not targeted directly, so, be really careful about how you use humor in your speech because it can actually end up doing more harm than good. Another thing to think about is exactly how you want people....what sorts of action points you want to include in your speech. At the end of the speech, you want to bring it together with a call to action, whether you're asking people to go out and support your cause, whether you want just to get their vote. Exactly what you want the end result of your speech to be. Be sure to have that in mind as you're writing your speech. Then, your editing process is going to be working with whoever is going to be giving the speech, whether that's you or the candidate. Have them practice it, refine it, work it out so that it feels comfortable, it sounds good, and it's easy to listen to. This may be a process that takes a few drafts, so, those are some of the steps to creating a campaign speech. Choose your points carefully that will capture your listener's interest, develop the points, and make sure it's very easy to listen to and gives your listener a call to action."

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