
How to Write a Compelling & Effective Speech?

by Guest7520  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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My brother asked me to write a compelling and effective speech for him and I am looking for tips to write a compelling and effective speech?

 Tags: compelling, effective, speech, write



  1. Guest1630
    Speech writing and delivery is not just for students and politicians. Many ordinary, everyday people are called upon to deliver a speech. Whether conducting a business proposal for a small group of coworkers, addressing your church congregation, or leading an international symposium with an audience of thousands, the keys to effective public speaking remain the same. The first key for any public speaker is having a compelling speech to deliver. If you find yourself in a position where you must write a speech, you may find yourself overwhelmed. Writing a highly effective speech requires a lot of preparation and organization. This article is aimed at giving you step-by-step guidance as well some writing tools to assist you in composing a powerful and authoritative speech.

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