
How to Write a Rebuttal Speech?

by Guest9247  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I am speech writer and these days working on a rebuttal speech. Can someone tell me some useful tips to write a rebuttal speech?

 Tags: Rebuttal, speech, write



  1. Guest1757
    Rebuttal speeches are one of the last speeches in a debate. A rebuttal speech is an important part of debate. If well written, it is a powerful tool, because it devalues your opponent's arguments while reinforcing your stance on the chosen issue. Research and anticipate your opponent's main points and arguments. Write down any other positions that may be offered against your argument. Begin writing. Make your claim, and present your thesis. What is it that you are arguing, and why? Make your opening interesting, catching the audience's attention. Include the data to support your claim. When presenting your data, create a "warranty," stating why and how your data supports your claim. Present any evidence to support the warranty. This ensures your argument has several layers of defense.

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