
How to Write a Rhetoric Speech?

by Guest4775  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I am not very good with speech writing but I have to a rhetoric speech for a competition. Can someone tell me tips to write a good rhetoric speech?

 Tags: rhetoric, speech, write



  1. Guest7547
    Persuading an audience to take action involves more than a speaker sharing what he knows about a topic. Rhetoric speeches are intended to get listeners to accept a particular point of view, and then motivate them into action. The challenge in writing this kind of speech is in delivering a message that will win others over in sharing the same principles as the speaker. You must use words in such a way as to convince listeners that the speaker's opinion is reliable. The art of giving a persuasive speech is as much about using language effectively as it is about communicating a convincing argument.

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