
How to Write a Speech for Academic Decathlon?

by Guest2826  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I have never written any speech for Academic Decathlon and want to learn the technique for that. Can someone tell me the techniques to write that?

 Tags: Academic, Decathlon, speech, write



  1. Guest5646
    Those who have never written a speech get nervous at the idea of the infamous Academic Decathlon test. The speech event includes one prepared speech, approximately 4 minutes, as well as an impromptu speech, between1:30 and 2 minutes. Brainstorm a topic. One thing many judges recommend is writing a topic that reflects something about you. Think of one aspect of your personality that you want to show off, or think of a life-changing event. Now bring it into a larger context. For example, if finding your current dog three years ago, when he was a stray, and nursing him back to health affected your life, tell how that made you question the empathy of the human race. Remember that humor and seriousness are both perfectly acceptable, and neither usually warrants a better score. Also remember to avoid cliché speeches: zombies, how Decathlon changed my life, and pirates. Yes, those are the clichés. Also consider whether you want to do a controversial topic. Writing a speech on "Abortion: Right or Wrong?" is going to be tough. If you right something personal relating to controversy, you'll be better off. (Abortion still isn't a safe topic and probably isn't something you want to consider giving a speech about. Remember: your judges probably reflect the demographics of the area. If you are competing in Texas, well, Don't Mess with Texas.) Practice and memorize. Many people think this is the hardest step. It helps to break things down: first, present your speech to several people (your team, people you admire, family, and other speakers will all help) until you constantly get good reviews. Then videotape yourself presenting. Look at your body language and listen to your voice. Don't like it? Change it. Fit your image of an amazing speech. Then, memorize it bit-by-bit. Don't over-rehearse, however; once it gets monotonous, you know your speech is boring you, and everyone will be able to tell.

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