
How to Write a Speech for the School Captain?

by Guest7555  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I am a school cricket team captain and want to write a speech for match closing ceremony. Can someone tell me the tips and techniques to write that?

 Tags: captain, school, speech, write



  1. Guest9386
    Popular and influential students often display qualities and skill in certain areas such as sports that enable them to be examples to the rest of the student body. Students who have a way with language have outlets for their own talents, including writing speeches for the school captain. Speechwriting is also a classic way for soft-spoken people to effect change from behind the scenes. In writing speeches for the school captain, you can influence public perception of him or her while reflecting a little glory on yourself. Decide what the topic of the speech will be. It can be something specific or something general. For example, the school captain may wish to commemorate the end of his football career, or he or she may choose to inspire the rest of the student body to achieve greater things. Finish your speech with words calculated to inspire your audience. Scholastic encourages you to leave people feeling excited. Appeal to the audience's hopes and dreams. The school captain, for example, could finish with something like, "And that's why, Carver High, I encourage you to bring these important lessons back to the classroom to improve the experience of everyone in the Carver family."

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