
How to fix windows registry errors.

by Guest11539  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Last night, when I was working on my computer, suddenly, I got a windows registry errors. It’s really frustrating for me and I shut it off from till now my PC. Suggest me any solution to fix that errors. I’m so much tensed about it as I have recently purchased. Kindly answer me as quickly as possible. I will be very thankful to you.

 Tags: errors, fix, Registry, Windows



  1. selvester robin

     It’s not a big issue to solve. It’s a very general problem which new computer users face. Although its solution is time consuming but works a lot. Editing the Windows registry will solve tons of computer errors and possibly speed up your PC. Your smallest deletion of window’s file can convert your PC from a useful tool to a large doorstop. Follow these steps to fix these windows registry errors:

    1) First think to do is, back up your whole  registry by exporting it to another file name or by  saving it to an external device like  USB flash drive, external hard drive or any CD. 

    2) Fix a system restore point depending upon ur windows e.g Windows XP or Vista. It allows you to go back to a stable system that existed before you edited the registry.

    3) After that simply click on "Start" and type "Regedit" in the run field. If you have Vista, then click on "Run" and enter "Regedit." It brings up your registry editor. Windows registry is so huge, so you can search it via specific keywords related to your problem.

    4) Click on the file you need to edit from the left pane of the editor. Code lines will appear in the right pane, where you are able to make your changes. Be careful not to make a mistake or delete any file.

    5) Last step is to save your changes. Close the editor and reboot it. Any changes you will make become effective during the boot-up process.


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