
How to play Xbox 360 games on a PC?

by Guest7390  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Any idea how to play Xbox 360 games on PC, Is it possible? Please let me know if you have something to share with me. I am a diehard fan of online and PC games. I hope you will help me as quick as you can.


 Tags: 360, games, pc, Play, Xbox



  1. Guest4146

    Hello there

    No man, you cannot play it on your PC. Let me tell you why? It is quite simple as the games for Xbox 360 are lazer engraved with an emblem which must be read by the machine. This cannot be done on any device other than an Xbox 360.

    But on the same time I must tell you if you are too much serious about Xbox 360 games, then you have to face a real hassle. First of all you must have to d-l 360 emulator further you need video and sound codec, than you can go for DVD drive decoders.

    And finally you must have a SUPER good computer. I would not bother. Now it is up to you, how you can do it.

    I think I have explained you well. So it is quite simple now, try some neither good online games as there is nor constraint on playing online games as I put it.  Now choice is yours if you want to play than you have to pay a price for it. And I think it is not a good idea to spend huge money on such accessories to make your PC workable.



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