
How to put ROMs on modded Xbox?

by Guest9263  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Please tell me how I can connect ROMs to my modded Xbox? Your ideas and suggestions will be appreciated.

 Tags: modded, ROMS, Xbox



  1. Guest5278

    Copy ROM files to the "ROMS" directory for your emulation software

    Connect Xbox the router using the LAN cable

    Open Evolution-X's "System" option then "Network" area.

    Your Xbox's IP address will be displayed.

    Use your FTP software to transfer the folder containing your emulation software, including all files and subfolders, to the Xbox's "E" drive.

    Right-click the file "menu.ini. -> open it in notepad

    Without deleting any existing text, add the following text to a new line in the file 

    Item "[your emulator name]","e:\[your emulator directory]\default.xbe"

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