
How to write Accounting Dissertation?

by Guest7280  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Accounting is one of my major subjects in MBA and I have to write an accounting dissertation. Can someone tell me the details on how to write an accounting dissertation?

 Tags: Accounting, dissertation, write



  1. Guest260

    Are you upset because you don’t know what to do with your accounting dissertation? Do you want to know how to come up with a great accounting dissertation? Do you want topics for your accounting dissertation that would give you new ideas of your own? Do you want a step by step guide to make your accounting dissertation as easy as possible? If so you're in luck! This article is going to dissect accounting dissertation topics for you! This article is going to provide you with step by step guide on how to write a good accounting dissertation that would make dissertation writing as easy as accounting 101! Firstly let's start with the 6 step by step guides to write one compelling accounting dissertation. Step 1: choose your area of study: what type of accounting do you enjoy? What type do you find interesting? If you are interested in auditing choose that as your area of study for your accounting dissertation. Likewise if you are interested in book keeping, cost accounting etc choose what so ever you find fancy and easy. Step 2: choose the topic regarding your area of study: after you have chosen your area of study choose a sub topic regarding your area of study. For example if you want to do a dissertation of auditing sub divide it into certain topics like internal auditing, audit risk, performance audit etc. Step 3: research your topic via the internet: Internet has great source of information. Use it to your advantage. Your bulk of literature review would come from the research you do on the internet. So make sure your research on the internet is thorough. Step 4: study previous dissertations of your seniors: This will give you an idea as to what sort of dissertation is standard in your university. What has been done right by your seniors that got them good grades so that you emulate the same standard! Step 5: compile all your work in a correct dissertation format: Finally all your data should be divided in proper dissertation chapters such as Introduction, proposal, literature review, conclusion etc. Step 6: present your dissertation to your dissertation advisor and get a good night’s sleep. You deserve it! If you have completed all the five steps given above congrats! You have completed one of the most difficult tasks imaginable. Get a good night’s sleep, go out with your friends, and watch a movie after all you have spent a good part of your last few weeks doing back breaking research! Some vast accounting dissertation topics you can base your dissertation on are as follows: E-accounting, Accounting information system, Money, measurement concept, Online accounting, Project accounting, Mortgage loan, Diluted earning per share, Dividend, Accrual basis accounting, Accounting ethics, Accounting methods, Book keeping, Auditing, Convention of conservatism, Fund accounting. There are a numerous accounting dissertation topics you can choose. Just contact me for more topics if these don’t meet your fancy.

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