
How to write Branding Dissertation?

by Guest5859  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Branding is my field in MS an I want to submit my final year thesis report on Branding  in a week. Can someone tell me the tips to write a good branding dissertation?

 Tags: branding, dissertation, write



  1. Guest8393

    Targeted Points to Complete Destination Branding Dissertation

    & Brand Management Dissertation.  What kind of topic we choose? How can we select a pattern? What are the different priorities and essentialities should be covered in destination branding dissertation?

    Before addressing these entire questions, there is a strong need to carve some information about destination and branding. Destination can be anything from a nation to a region, a resort to a city, an attraction to an event - or even the tour operators that help them to sell. Branding defines a unique set of beliefs about a destination and the sort of holidays or breaks it offers - beliefs that are equally emotional and rational, make it stand out from the competition and make it feel just right for each of its many target audiences.

    Dissertation on destination branding can be written with comprehension every aspect of it will buy the attraction of the tourist.

    Model illustration of a Dissertation Project on Destination Branding

    Strong compelling and attractive topic and introduction of the dissertation project.

    Motivation for this study with research problem related to destination branding.

    Purpose and key concepts of the project

    The scientific and logical approach

    Theoretical foundation for branding a country, region, city, place as a tourism destination

    Tourism destination branding as a context to study image and brands

    Destination identity concept

    Different perspectives on branding discussion

    Place branding and its sub-sector, destination branding

    Concluding remarks: image building a destination branding activity

    Research Strategies

    Intensive, single case study

    Case description – introducing the context

    Data collection and methods of analysis

    Standardized personal interviews

    Press articles from the press

    Rhetorical analysis of the press articles


    Review of the findings

    Conceptual contribution

    Evaluation of the study

    Future research

    Conclusions from the study

    Brand Management Dissertation

    As wikipedia says, “Brand management is the application of marketing techniques to a specific product, product line, brand, or destination. It seeks to increase the product's perceived value to the customer and thereby increase brand franchise and brand equity”.

    So a dissertation on brand management written on the must be filled with the classic knowledge of brand management and marketing skill and it effectively follows a marketing research and an example or a case study of a successfully managed brand.

    Branding Dissertation on Destination

    Selecting a destination for the branding dissertation is complicated task to work as but here are some advices:

    Choose a topic branding dissertation on destination which can be studied within a few weeks without having to travel too far. It is possible to do a dissertation based on an overseas destination

    Opt  something that is ‘well focused’, meaning that it is fairly simple to do and very specific by nature

    Is the information you need easily available? Some might exist in published reports; more might come from talking to the right people or observing activities, visitor behavior and so on.

    Giving brand couture to the destination which make it look much more attractive to the tourist can get you to most successful campaigns and the dissertation writing can be done in terms of the famous branding destination giants, like Paris, Las Vegas.

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