
How to write HR Dissertation?

by Guest3394  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I am writing a HR dissertation for my MBA final year project. Can someone tell me the detailed procedure to write an effective dissertation?

 Tags: dissertation, hr, write



  1. Guest644
    Every student gets stuck in choosing a topic. What is right what is wrong? Is this topic the best fit for me. Well don’t worry. Here are some general topics that EVERYBODY can write just by doing some research on the internet.
    Topic#1: The role of IT in human resource development
    Topic#2: Difference in techniques of human resource in developed countries and underdeveloped countries.
    Topic#3: Time management: How can it increase the revenue of an organization?
    Topic#4: In house recruitment: Its pros and cons defined.
    Topic#5: The do’s and don’ts of Disciplinary actions
    Topic#6: How over emphasized on achieving goals actually hinder in attaining that goal.
    Topic#7: Is HRM the pursuit of attitudinal shaping?
    Human Resource Management (HRM) is the purpose within an institute that focuses on staffing of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization.
    Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as reimbursement, hiring, performance management, organization development, wellbeing, benefits, employee motivation, and training.
    The most obvious and the best advice for your human resource management dissertation!
    The best tip I can give you is do thorough research. Your HR dissertation is solely based on your research work. Hence pick up a topic which you think you are good at and start doing research. That’s the safest be to get your dissertation approved in no time at all.

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