

by Guest4051  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Hello Adoptive parent.

   My names are Rose Mary. I saw your respond on MAYBENOW.COM . I was so happy you could be the best parent for my new born baby boy. please i will like you to get back to me ASAP for more information and pictures.
Thanks you so much.

 Tags: Am, baby, born, Boy, home, looking



  1. Boo Chin Wong

    If you need a loan from a genuine lender,i will advise you contact this lender were i got my loan from.The company is the only company i

    know of.i have introduce so many other borrowers to this company, who  can also testify this company good services. For your own good, do

    contact them for a legit loan. .I have been scammed several time before i could get this genuine lender. For

    you not to fall into wrong hands,i will advise you contact this lender that i am referring to you right away contact them for a


  2. shanell wingo

    hi i'm just wondering if you found a family for your baby. if not you can contact me at

  3. candice
    I was wondering did u find parents for ur baby boy
  4. Guest8606
    Hi there my husband and I are interested as long as you are in canada close to alberta. if not would you be willing ot pay for the flight,birth certifcate,and whatever else he would need to be sent here to start the adoptiong? we adopted our son 6yrs ago by private direct placement. you could say that you are sending him to a friend and write us up a temporary guardianship paper that states that once he is in our care that we have the right to file a private direct placement adoption. it is not done thru a agency thats why i ask if oyu can pay the plane ticket to calgary and send him with his birth certificate,all your medical info,background and all and state that once in our care we are fully legal to apply for the adoption and make all legal decisions necessary in raising him. let me know what you think as we would love to add another bundle of joy into our lives otherwise i would just have a bunch of babies if I could conceive but I cannot. we have been togetehr for 11 yrs my hubby and I and our son is begging for a brother or sister too lol. take care hope to hear back from you
  5. Guest5433

    Amanda Potter would be the worst person to adopt any child, she is a drug addict!

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