
I am doing BBA, what can I do next after BBA

by Guest4003  |  13 years ago

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I am doing BBA, what can I do next after BBA

 Tags: Am, BBA, doing



  1. Guest1344
    i am doing bba 1'st & i dont no after bba wt i do..........& im intersted to do mba ..........& if in bba 60% marks i obtained than in which college give me a admission................please tell  me & give me a ans.??

  2. Guest1504
    go for job nd gain some expirince nd do mba side by side through corospondenceqrzaf
  3. Guest7075
    Correct your English. Learn English than Only you can ask Questions.
  4. Guest5373
    m complete BBA but i dont know what can i do next after BBA ...
    pls help me .
    email id :
  5. Guest487
    I am doing bba but i dont know what should i do next can u plz help me out
    to built my career in a successful way
  6. Guest1162
    after bba what can i do
  7. Guest1210

    Nowadays, many students take up BBA course after their higher secondary mainly with a view to do MBA after completing BBA. Most of the career counselors also suggest MBA after completing BBA. But, some students have a doubt as to what to do after BBA other than going for MBA. Some of the suggestions for these students are given below:

    • After completing BBA, the candidates can join as executive trainee/management trainee in any of the following sectors:

    o Advertising agencies: Example- Leo Burnett, Mudra, etc…

    o Banking, finance, consultancy: Example – HSBC, Citibank, etc…

    o IT companies: Example – Compaq, Wipro, etc…

    o Consumer durable companies and FMCG: Example – Marico, P&G, etc…

    • The candidates can also do some professional courses like ICWAI, CA, etc…

    • The candidates can do master degree courses like MCA.

    • The candidates can take up part-time jobs and they can do some computer courses in the spare time. If they feel that their English communication skills is not good, they can go for some English speaking courses, which will be of great help to their future.

    • The BBA graduates can get jobs in different sectors like human resources, accounting, finance, information systems, real estate entrepreneurship, etc… and the choice is endless.

    • If the candidates can develop good programming skills, they will be able to get placement in multinational companies.

    • If the candidates are interested in getting into government services, they can take up UPSC examinations like civil service examination, National Defense Academy examination, etc…

    • If they are interested in bank jobs, they can take up bank examinations as well.

    So, there is a wide range of opportunities left to the candidates after completing the BBA degree course and they can either opt for job or higher studies or even both by doing part- time jobs or by taking up correspondence courses.


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