
I have lots of Alfalfa growing in my grass. How do I kill it?

by Guest3236  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Im guessing the lot i bought they use to plant alfalfa on there too

 Tags: alfalfa, grass, Growing, kill, lots



  1. amomipais82
    Hi there,
    I'm shortly going to be in a similar position, only I'll have lots of lawn to replace with something more useful and requiring less maintenance. I too want to plant an orchard. And I've got three toddlers to keep out of harms way in the process!

    My initial thought was to use large sheets of black plastic laid out on the lawn to kill it off, then plant lucerne into the dead grass using it as a mulch layer. I could do it one manageable plot at a time, and maybe plant different crops (e.g. potatoes (with lots of additional mulch), oats, barley, clover, broad beans, peas, etc) into each plot so I can grow food for us and the chooks as well as mulch.

    Another idea was to build a chook tractor and let the chickens do all the hard work of clearing the grass for me. Again, one plot at a time, moving them on to the next plot as each one gets cleared.

    I'd be very interested to hear other peoples' ideas for controlling grass in an orchard, as well as for the process of transitioning from lawn to productive orchard with undercropping.

  2. Guest5416
    people eat that as there high in vitamins
    must be a product on the market that would
    kill it.
  3. Guest6675
    - didn't log in.

    people eat that as there high in vitamins
    must be a product on the market that would
    kill it.
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