
I need to know what to do to get over a girl?

by Guest7226  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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I was dating a girl who had recently gotten out of a relationship in which the boy had cheated on her with her cousin. She had told me that she wasn't ready for a relationship at first but I had convinced her to at least try(or so I thought). Long story short, I put a lot into this relationship because I wanted it to work, I wanted her to be the one, but I come to find out that she wasn't even trying, she allowed me to believe that what I felt for her was real...but its not, and now I need help getting over it, and I need help to make the pain of realizing that we never were...

 Tags: girl



  1. Guest8072
    My advice is not really durable all the time...most the time...anyways, i hear loud, sad, music is good to listen to, kind helps the emotions figure themselves out. Sometimes you may wonder if she still likes you or if she truly has moved on, but the truth is...YOU need to move on. I don't thin its weakness or pathetic that one may have difficulty getting over a girl..and may still even have strong feelings for her, it ain't easy. But learning how to be free from her, if you will, may help you notice other things you may have been missing because of her. Also, i hear remebering the facts, not just the good side of things. What about her just made you mad or makes you think (in 100% honesty) what didn't seem right between the two of you.

    On the other hand, it is ok to like a girl, to even have feelings for them. You can hang on to these feelings. I hear it is best to inform them, of your remaining feelings for them.

    However, giving a big sentimental explosion of emotions can be messy. Best to write her a letter, read, prectixe saying it, rewrite if you need to. Just make sure what you have to say is planned and precise...doesn't have to be perfect, just make sure you know your main points (as emotions are all over the place, try to narrow down the main points). Once you have made your case known, back off. Maybe she will someday come back...and then again maybe she won't. Either way man, keep your chin up, dudes are allowed to shed a few tears, but keep going, you're gonna make it dude. I hope this has helped you in some way. see ya later dude.

  2. Guest2881
    To the guy that answered my question...Thank you so much...your advice truly did help me..and I do hope that one day she comes back, but If not, the as the song goes "...And if I fail, well then I fail but at least I gave you something". She knows how I feel, ive told her and its all I can do....only time will tell
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