
I really like this girl, but she has a boyfirend.

by Guest7579  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I really like this girl, but she has a boyfirend. We've know each other for a few months, and we're always together messing and laughing. Shes alway touching me and nugden me. iv never met any girl like her. I really like her.

But she's been going out with boyfriend for 4years. Im 19 and so is she. She always fights with him but they always get back together. She said that shes not in love with him.  I told her that i liked her but she said that she wants to stay with him.

What do i do?

 Tags: Boyfirend, girl



  1. Guest8386

     we always want what we can't have.

    She's obviously attracted to as a friend and maybe even as a guy, but she can deny this to herself because you are too easy and therefore no fun to chase.

    The other guy, her boyfriend keeps her interested because they're always off and on, and that may be what she wants, someone who keeps her on the edge, someone exciting and dangerous even.

    She will probably change her mind about all of this in about five years and then look for someone like you to get married to, but for now, she does not want a puppy. If you make yourself easily accessible to her and adore her all the time, she will use you to boost her ego and then still go back to him at the end of the day.

    If you really want her attention, find yourself another girl, preferably someone she doesn't like and date her. It sounds incredibly cheesy but a little jealousy goes a long way in making us realize what we want. Also you want to try to play harder to get. Don't agree to everything she says, don't always say yes, get in the habit of saying your too busy and don't give any explanation why from time to time.

    If she's into you at all you'll notice her getting angry with you soon enough. Anger is good, it shows she cares, then wait for her to come to you. You've done enough already, and if she can't take the last step towards you, then the relationship will never be fair and balanced.

    Good luck.

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