
I want Rorri Peaton back

by Guest4524  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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He is the man of my dreams  and I hope to give him a second chance I love him as a friend and want to  be more than friends   please let Rorri Peaton know that  I love him and want him back   and keep him private  he is  everything to me and I love  Alot  he is cute and hot and 26 years old   and already has a side Kick ex girlfriend  Kim Wheeler  but I would love to be his side kick  and  I do not want a divorce with him  


 Tags: Peaton, Rorri



  1. Guest1652
    Well   Tell ROrri Peaton   that you want him back   tell him to give you a second chance  but tell him with out hurting his girlfriends feelings  Kim Wheeler is  his girlfriend and would never leave him but I talked to Rob Patterson  and he says that Kim Wheeler is his  not Rorri Peaton's   its up to her group home to decide who she dates and  hopefully  this relationship with you and Rorri Peaton  will fit the puzzle

  2. Guest4050
    Rorri Peaton   Please   go  back  out with Adi Krauthammer she is your side kick  not  your other girlfriend Kim Wheeler  please understand that Rorri Peaton  I really want you and Adi to have a good relationship and start over being her boyfriend   Rob Patterson  I talked with him  wants  your girlfriend Kim Wheeler back  thats why  he  has been  looking for her at the dance    Rob Patterson is lonely without Kim Wheeler  please   except that Kim Wheeler might break up with you and go with  Rob Patterson
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