

by Ray Brandon  |  10 years, 6 month(s) ago

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I am Ray Brandon from Florida, US. I was in need of loan to get a new agricultural truck and to settle my mortgage debt, I got access to the contact of a God sent lender (Dawn Corris) through some testimony of someone he had successfully processed loan for, So I decided to contact him, he processed the loan and I receive my loan amount of $45,000. I happy to say that if there anyone out there still seeking financial help, I would gladly advice that you contact him directly via his email:

 Tags: asap, business, Instant, Loan, Personal



  1. Jessica Ward

    I can't hide this great testimony that took place in my life, I will love everyone to know it and be partaker,I live in United State Of America,I want to thank(RANDY KENT) for his kindness upon my family life.I never knew that there is still nice lender like this on internet and earth here. Just some Months Back, I was in search for a loan of $120,000,00 as I was running out of money for feeding and rent. I was scammed $3,800 Dollars and I decided not to involve my self in such business again but a Friend of my introduced me to a loan firm due to my appearance and can contact him via or

  2. Lilith Griffin

     My names are Lilith Griffin a Citizen of USA residing in California. I am a single parent when i was seeking for a loan i was scam several time before i meet a friend who directed me to David Herley Finance Home, Initially i was afraid to go into the operation but my friend advise me to apply that she also obtain a loan from the company when she needed an urgent loan for business and clearing of debts. Then i took the bold step and they actually lend me a loan of $58,000 without stress after meeting all their requirements. Since then i have decided to publish them all over for those who require loan out there to see that there still exist a reliable/sincere International loan lending firm called David Herley Finance Home located in the USA. You are 100% Guarantee/Assured of receiving your loan without any delay/hindrances.

    See below their Contact Information and Details:




    Tel: +1 (321) 323 1809 (CALL/SMS/TEXT MESSAGES).

  3. Dennis Hopkins


    Legitimate loan offer.We are offering loan ranging from $10,000.00 US Dollars Min to $1000,000 USD Max at 2% interest rate per annul , DENNIS HOPKINS FINANCE HOME, is legitimate and Genuine.If you are interested, You contact us for more information.( website: USA: +12404374240

  4. Kimber Paul

    Hello everyone am here to testify how i got my loan from

    Mr Dennis Hopkins after i applied several times from various

    loan lenders who claimed to also testify right in this

    forum,i thought the testimonies where real and i applied

    but they never gave me loan. I was in need of an urgent

    loan to start a business and i applied from various loan

    lenders who promised to help but they never gave me the

    loan.Until a friend of mine introduce me to Mr Dennis Hopkins

    who promised to help me and indeed he did as he

    promised without any form of delay.I never thought there

    are still reliable loan lenders until i met Mr Dennis Hopkins who helped me with the loan and changed my belief.I dont know if you are in any way in

    need of a genuine and urgent loan,free feel to contact

    Mr Dennis Hopkins via website: or


  5. Alicia Williams


    Hi, I am Alicia Williams I lived in Canada with my son name Jameson and my aged mother. Sometime last year my ex husband left me to get married to another woman in United States living me all alone to take care of myself and the kid including the bills, 2 months ago I was in search for a loan of $75,000, as i was running out of money to meet up things for my family and I was scammed $6,500 and I decided not to involve my self in such business again, finally the Managing Director of (DENNIS HOPKINS FINANCE HOME) managed by Mr.Dennis Hopkins Due to my personality and the fact that i needed money to fix things right. I made a trial and most grateful am I today; I was given a loan of $120,000 by this great firm. If you are truly in need of a genuine loan or financial assistance and you don`t want to be scam knowing that you can be trusted and reliable, of paying back at the due time of the funds I will advice you to, contact them today Via or or I am feed up of this scammers and what they are doing to people on the internet concerning loan issue and i promised not to keep this to myself, i have to share it with everyone that i can reach out to....Remain blessed.

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Ray Brandon


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