
Im looking for a 11 year old girlfriend

by Guest2327  |  13 years ago

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Im looking for a 11 year old girlfriend.
E-mail me at: or/and reply at this post!

 Tags: 11, girlfriend, im, looking



  1. mermaid119

    im 11, lol nice, funny, pretty, an O.O a mermaid...

  2. Guest1518
    OMG!; these people your meeteing up with could turn out to be peadophiles.
    er... yeah they seem like a little 11 year old girl then bam ur at the park,you may get raped and no im not joking about this. its a serious issue. god get a girl friend u know lol. there must be some one over then a flippin peadophile. GEESH!
  3. Guest3215
    Hey, i dont think tehy'l travel the hole way to norway.
  4. Guest4418
    I'm an 11 year old but I am not a peadophile Look at my facebook account to know the truth.Its Danielle Therese Abrenica.E-mail me if you want at
  5. Guest9972
    I'm from the Philippines too.
  6. Guest4842
    im 11 curvy hot blond blu eyes popular did i menchen s**y any pics of u every 1s crush
  7. Guest3193
    but not even im entrested in u
  8. Guest7762
    I could be ur gf if ur still looking for 1
  9. Guest5812

    hi im looking for a single girl between the ages 12 to 15 im not a pedo look me up on facebook at theres proof on there btw theve got to be in the uk

  10. Guest3145

    I 11

  11. Guest8157

    I 11 and a looking for a boyfriend

  12. Guest5423

    hiya i am 11 and do you have facebook because i could look for you

  13. Guest6227

    if ur a 10 year old boy and want a 10 year old gf email me a

  14. Guest1230

    k peopøe stfu cant u f*****g see this thread is outdated!?

    Im NOT looking for a gf over internet!

    just stfu...

  15. Guest2741

    i looking for a gf

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