
Im really self conscious about my body, help! (pics)

by Guest5621  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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i'm 150 lbs and 5'9" i exercise everday ( i swim half a mile ). i eat healthy, but i think i eat a lot. =/ so maybe thats it. but the thing is, i just wish my body was different. i'm wide and i'm built big. and i wish i was built petite and skinny. do you think that this girl's skinnier body type is more attractive than an average one like mine? (by the way, i know this girl and she eats healthily. she's naturally built this skinny)

skinny build:

average build:

 Tags: Body, conscious, Help, im, pics, Self



  1. Guest1041
    okay first, alot of people are feeling self consious about their bodies, especially since obbesity is becoming more widespread.
    Secondly if you think you are over-weight you arent. the main reason you are the weight you are is because you are so tall. As for being wide and largely built everyone is different, it is fine if you are larger than some people, you can't help it because it is ur bone structure. When you are feeling self-consious just tell yourself there is nothing else you can do, you are at the best you can be and that is beautiful.
    Also, personally I think people who aren't super skinny are more attractive. I hate it when I see people's ribs or their arms are super small. That just isnt pretty to me.
    Hope this helped!

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