
In SIC Singapore who do marks gained by international students compare with Singaporean students?

by Guest8253  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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In SIC Singapore how do the marks gained by international students compare with Singaporean students? As I am thinking to take admission in Sic Singapore.

 Tags: compare, Gained, INTERNATIONAL, Marks, sic, singapore, Singaporean, students



  1. Guest4823
    International students do just as well as Singaporean students. Many of SIC Singapore's international students have earned distinctions and credits in the Diploma in Economics and first class honours in the degrees. In fact, one of SIC Singapore's past international students, Ms. Li Shan first earned a distinction in the Diploma in Economics, won a scholarship to complete her degree at the London School of Economics (for which she earned a First Class) and is currently studying at Cambridge for a Masters Degree!

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