
Information on huskies?

by Guest6604  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I would very much like to get a husky! I am a teenager, and my dad and I have been talking about it for awhile. We are planning to get him/her during the spring. We have a huge yard, so can exercise. This would be our **first** time with a dog... (We will be getting it as a puppy) Is it okay to leave it outside? I've heard that it's not good to leave a dog outside, especially a husky.. (we are planning on getting a fence, I know they can jump & dig under them!) Are they really really really really hard to take care of? I would definitely love to get a husky, because they're so pretty, and people say they're friendly, but I do not want to get a dog and not take care of it well! I would like him/her to be happy.

Please do not be rude about my small knowledge on huskies/dogs.... I'm on here, because I'm trying to learn some knowledge about them!!

I would like any additional information about them please !

 Tags: Huskies, information



  1. Guest3510

    Take it easy...its more imperative to keep the pup close to you in early stages.....afeter training you can leave him out....but for noe he must sleep inside....limit outside world human contact ...only one perosn trains and feeds him that would be you. Huskies are intelligent they will regard those who feed, play and protect them as masters and the others friends of mnasster and the rest of the world as unrelated when he is a pup....if it is your can only offer him food and train him...otherwise the whole family can play walk or take him to the vet or something....once he got used to you limit outside contact .... all this time he is more inside than outside in the lawn or anywhere protected than outside in a fencless yrada...once he is close to 3-5 can chain him outside in the lawn....put him on discipline rtaining at specific times.....trainingn is another matter i wont takk about it...better get profesional advice. But after u did wat i told you above he will learn to recognize strangers notice unusual happenings and bark at intruders....


    anyway good luck with your husky...loved that type of dog :)

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